
   Mind Body Spirit

        Empower The Mind Body Spirit Wellness Expo          

  Invites You To Embrace The Journey!

Hello Dear Friends Thank You For Checking In!

 The Empower The Mind Body Spirit Wellness Expos Are Taking A Sabbatical

Check Back For Future Dates, Events and Collaborations!


Please follow us on Facebook and Check Back Here As Well For Future

Updates, Announcements, Events & Collaborations


First and Foremost, Thank You For All of Your Love, Trust  and Support Over The Years! We Love and Appreciate All of Our Patrons and of Course Our Dedicated Vendors, Exhibitors, Sponsors and Volunteers. It Truly Takes A Village. We Could Not Have Created Such Beautiful & Successful Events without You.

We Celebrate With You!

Please Continue to Love and Support One Another Personally and Professionally. Please Visit the Vendor, Exhibitor, and Sponsor Tabs to See Many of the Previous Expo Participants and What They Have to Offer. Scroll Through Our Facebook Page to See Detailed Information on All of Our Past Vendors, Presenters and Exhibitors…. Our Friends, Colleagues and Fellow Lightworkers. Please Continue to Shop Small and Local. Most of All…. Be Kind And Love One Another. That is What The World Needs Most Right Now.

With Love, Light & Gratitude,



Are you seeking information, inspiration, inner peace, mental stimulation, holistic solutions or are you just curious about what’s out there? We invite you to join us to revitalize your body, stimulate your mind, and pamper your soul.

A Complete Mind, Body, Spirit Experience

Relax, Explore & Discover New Ways to Support

Your Mind, Body and Spirit With Holistic Modalities


50+ Vendors & Exhibitors

Herbalist, Chakra & Energy Balancing, Holistic Solutions, Reiki Masters, Naturopaths, Healers, Card Readers,  Shamanic Alchemy, CBD Products, Massage Therapists, Jewelry,  Healing Touch, Radionics, Mediums, Psychics,  Chiropractors, Herbal Teas, Colorpuncture, Authors/Writers, Dowsers, Quantum Energy, Pendulum Workers, Guigen Qigong, Chaga Tea & Coffee, Medicinal Mushrooms & Tinctures, Essential Oils, Energy & Sound Healing, Body Code, Crystals, Yoga, Artists, Earthing & Grounding, PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Therapy), Crystal Angel Wings, Health & Life Coach,  Soaps, Sugar Scrubs, Smudge Sprays, Krusty Moose Canine Provisions, Orgonite. Many products & services from local artisans, natural & organic products will be available to sample and purchase.


Presentations Throughout the Day

(See Lecture Tab for Full Schedule and Times)


Wellness Expo Sponsors

Diamond Level Sponsors



Community Partners

Thank you to Java Cat For Sponsoring &

Providing Their Delicious Coffee to The Expo!


Be Sure to Follow us on Facebook to Learn More About All of the

Vendors & Activities

Mind Body Spirit



Future Empower The Mind Body Spirit Wellness Expos:

Currently, No Expo Dates Are Reserved



In Memory of Our Dear Friend Robin

Robin Blakey

A professional psychic medium who enjoys a strong cup of coffee and good conversation with anyone…dead or alive.

We celebrate and dedicate this special expo day on 11:11 in her honor. Robin was a guest reader with the expo many times including several Galleries wrapping up the end of the day.  She was a natural healer, empath, medium, intuitive tarot reader and animal communicator. She lived  life on her own terms and followed her dreams. She loved to travel and lived in the moment of each day. Robin had a great sense of humor and always tried to find the beauty and good in all people and every situation. She spoke her truth and was able to live her last years doing what she loved sharing her gifts with the world.

She was an artist and an author, in the midst of writing a book, she had many plans in the works. Although taken from us way too soon, we know she has been called to fulfill a higher purpose. We will miss her laugh, her beautiful smile and her gentle soul.  Until we meet again my friend, always in our hearts.